Kyuuketsuki Miyu is a disturbing four episode long anime series about a young immortal vampire princess named Miyu and her protector/servant/best friend and more Larva. In four episodes, a nosy spirit-hunter Himiko Se chases the elusive Miyu because she is very curious about Miyu's past. Miyu, she discovers, is the guardian of the door between the two world: One of the Shinma (...
《吸血姬美夕》完整版免费在线观看地址:由韩剧TV在网络收集并分享发布,仅供用于学习和交流, 韩剧TV不参与《吸血姬美夕》的影视资源制作、录制、上传与存储,当前播放线路分别由网络资源网采集。有关《吸血姬美夕》的后续高清完整版本资源会陆续放出,敬请关注!如果您喜欢 韩剧TV(欢迎分享给身边的朋友,祝您观影愉快!